Saturday, April 21, 2007

Revelations: Saint Germain and the Violet Flame

Other articles from HARMONI-expo:
Introduction: A Trip Through The Human Mind
The New Time Energies and AuraTransformation™: A study on modern delusions and gullibility
The magic bullet of "classical" homeopathy

"I AM a being of violet flame!
I AM the purity God desires!"
- Saint Germain's violet-flame decree
Negative karma can be a real bummer. It's a nasty inhibitor that can cause 'spiritual death' and works just overall negatively on your Divine Self.
Apart from karma, another concept of religious thinking widely embraced by New Age groups is that of reincarnation. Since all these, shall I say, heathen traditions, are rejected by mainstream Christianity, I found it interesting to suddenly stand face to face with a woman who claimed to have successfully integrated both karma and reincarnation into the Christian belief system.
Our initially rather awkward conversation quickly catapulted into a warm and open one as soon as I asserted my Christian beliefs. She too, was a Christian, she claimed. When I tactfully took objection to Jesus' supposed reincarnation teaching (that's what caught my attention in the first place), saying it was nowhere to be found in the Bible, we were all set for a long and interesting conversation.

The woman represented the religious body The Summit Lighthouse. The organisation was founded in 1958 by Messenger Mark L. Prophet, who in preparing for this had been rigorously trained for several lifetimes by the Ascended Masters.1) According to his teachings, he has given people all over the world the opportunity to "discover the limitless powers of their Inner Self." But first things first: Who are the Ascended Masters?

The Ascended Masters2)
The Ascended Masters (AM) are spiritual being that once lived on earth but now serve as guides for those seeking to reunite with the Spirit. The seven most important of the AM are called the Chohans ("lord" or "master").

The seven Chohan, each with their own ray, are:
El Morya, 1st ray of power, goodwill and faith, Lord Lanto, 2nd ray of wisdom, understanding and judgement, Paul the Venetian, 3rd ray of divine love, compassion and charity, Serapis Bay, 4th ray of purity, discipline, etc., Hilarion, 5th ray of truth and healing, Nada, 6th ray of peace, and last but not least: Saint Germain, 7th ray of freedom, alchemy and transmutaion.
Then there's Maha Chohan ("the Great Lord"), the hierarch of the seven Chohan, who teaches how to integrate these seven rays through the eighth ray.

If the Chohans aren't for you, other AM standing ready to take your prayers include Archangels, Jesus Christ and various Buddhas. I tried to act shocked as I pointed out that this was pretty blasphemous, given my allegedly strict Christian view. She countered my accusation by enlightening me that Jesus did spend considerable time in India learning about things such as karma and reincarnation, something 'the official story' would have you doubt.3) Guess I stand corrected.

Karma and the Violet Flame
Spiritual light, the teaching goes, manifests as seven rays, each with a specific colour. Saint Germain's violet ray is a life-transforming tool with the help of which we can transmute (purify) negative karma. But before elaborating any further on the Violet Flame; there are, acording to their website, three ways to balance negative karma:4)
  • "Just live it through." Not desirable since past misdeeds not atoned for have a tendency to make life hard.
  • Perform good deeds. This is the conventional way, as practised by most Dharmic religions.
  • The Violet Flame - the third, and not surprisingly - fastest way of balancing karma.
Just a quick side note: Together with the belief that everything in the universe is somehow strangely interconnected a great equaliser such as the notion of karma does a terribly good job at giving easy answers to hard questions, such as why bad things happen to good people.

So what is the Violet Flame? After centuries of having kept the secret for himself, Saint Germain finally appeared to Guy Ballard in 1930, giving him the first teachings of the Violet Flame and hence starting the preparations of mankind to enter the age of Aquarius.5)
Since the nature of the Violet Flame can be pretty hard to understand, they use an analogy: The Violet Flame works much like soap - it cleanses the space between the atom's nucleus and its electrons (electron shell(s)?) from "negative debris", transforming it into "pure light-energy."
Embracing the Violet Flame supposedly then removes the negative energy and karma that clogs our spiritual and physical bodies (the other two bodies being the astral body and the etheric body.) As any student of acupuncture and yoga knows, "optimum health comes when spiritual energy is flowing freely through our bodies." It hence works to counteract permature 'spiritual death.' Good stuff.

Notes on different types of relationships
Like any good religious movement worth its name, The Summit Lighthouse promises its followers deeper understanding of the eternally human areas of concern that are relationships and love. There are three major types of romantic relationships that contribute to the wholeness of people.6)
The first and strongest connection is the Twin Flames, who were created together and shares a common and unique destiny. There is a masculine/feminine polarity to this and although the souls will spend some lifetimes apart, the "tie is eternal."
The second type relationship is the soul mates'. Soul mates complement each other in pursuing the same goals or in developing the same chakras.
The third is the karmic relationship. This connection is often of importance for "achieving self-mastery on the spiritual path."

Concluding remarks
Although none of this makes any sense to a person with a naturalistic wordview, one still has to appreciate the enormous amount of mind-bending creativity that went into creating this belief system. This is what happens when you let a beautiful metaphor - 'the cleansing flame' - go haywire and take on a life of its own.

After about fifteen minutes of what quickly became a one-sided conversation I started, despite my rewarding acting skills - to get extremely bored. Even though I sincerely try, flimflam can only keep my attention for so long. So after quickly wrapping everything up, taking a couple of brochures and promising to consider joining her harmless cult, I was on my merry way to whatever the expo had in store for me next.

1) The Summit Lighthouse - Messengers
2) The Summit Lighthouse - Ascended Masters
3) Summit University Bookstore - Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity
4) The Summit Lighthouse - Karma
5) The Summit Lighthouse - Violet Flame
6) The Summit Lighthouse - Soul Mates

Friday, April 20, 2007

The magic bullet of "classical" homeopathy

Other articles from HARMONI-expo:
Introduction: A Trip Through The Human Mind
The New Time Energies and AuraTransformation™: A study on modern delusions and gullibility

Let's go back over two hundred years in time, to the time before germ theory, penicillin and vaccination. Much of the current medical treatments are still in large derived from Hippocrates' vitalistic principle that deceases are caused by inbalances in the four bodily humors (blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm).
A visit to the doctor is rather than cure you more likely to kill you, since the main methods of treating these inbalances are bloodletting and the distribution of laxatives and/or emetics.

ENTER Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homeopathic medicine. I will omit the history lesson, but it was basically revealed to him that a substance that causes a healthy person to exhibit a particular set of symptoms will in turn, if excessively diluted, cure a sick person showing the very same symptoms. The substance is diluted so seriously that scarcely a molecule remains in the dose when it is distributed to the patient.
Needless to say, giving magical water to a patient ought to be more beneficial than for example draining her of blood. It must be granted that not dying at the hands of your doctor sure has some appeal.

We now return to the twenty-first century. In light of the success of modern medicine with its randomised, double-blinded and placebo-controlled studies, do these pre-scientific notions of wishy-washy magical thinking still persist? Turns out they do. Homeopathy is still alive and quacking.

As a consequence of a hard night's drinking, me and Mr. Reed arrived a couple of minutes late to the lecture, entitled nothing but "Improve your health with classical homeopathy."
As we entered the room our fears of having to stand due to a shortage of seats dissipated. Apart from the lecturer, a woman about 50 years old, the room contained approximately five other persons, all women in their forties.

After a rather pleasant introduction the lecturer quickly started to rail against the government's suppression of her wonderful discipline. The specific piece of Swedish legislation popularly referred to as "the quackery law" caught most of the woman's frantic barrage. The law, in short, prohibits unlicensed medical practitioners (such as herself) from treating children under the age of eight and pregnant women.
It also makes clear that cancer and diabetes should be treated by real doctors. The lecturer contended that both these conditions have been successfully cured by homeopaths in other European countries. She did not present any sort of evidence for this claim, so I guess we'll have to take her word for it.

She launced the next salvo against the sinister vaccination conspiracy. Vaccination supposedly weakens us and immobilises our immune system, making us fair game for just about any infection you can imagine.
One woman who wanted to know how to undo the horrors of injecting a (for all practical purposes) dead virus into her kids' bodies got the disheartening answer that the process couldn't be reversed. What is done is done. Even the homeopath admitted that, although she was quick to offer homeopathic treatments for mitigating the effects of said vaccination.
The wonderful thing about homeopathy is that it can cure everything, should you not arrive "too late."

The combined oral contraceptive pill too, she argued, is another method the government uses to keep the populace (women in this case) under Big Pharma's thumb. Not only is it the cause of mental illness but also numerous other maladies, all stemming from those scary hormones. Just for the record: No one is claiming that taking "the Pill" is without risk - all real medical interventions have side-effects.
This was also the only time during the lecture that she addressed us directly, saying something like "Aren't you lucky, guys?" I was terrified and struggled not to meet Medusa's gaze, lest I be struck down by her fury. So Mr. Reed and I just smiled and nodded, purposely avoiding to look at each other knowing full well that it would have resulted in us bursting into laughter.

As I left the lecture, I was more enraged than amused. To my mind, the whole experience was almost indistinguishable from an episode of "The Twilight Zone." For the past half hour we had been fed the most outlandish medical claims I had heard for at least a day. I also feared not just that people believed her (vainly, since they were there because they wanted to believe her), but also that they would heed her call and waste precious time, money, and even lives on age-old superstitions.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tempus Fugit

This post commemorates the 1st anniversary of the founding of The Club and the creation of its official voice, The Treatise on Humankind. During this past year we have with great joy watched The Treatise develop. However, as time went by The Club's members soon came to realise that we were too hot for our current host.
The Club therefore decided to appoint a select group of member(s) from The Club's R&D department to secretly start drawing up plans for a new blog design.

The improved Treatise, that henceforth is to be known by the name The Jacksberry, will be hosted on a LAMP server, code-named The Honeymaker. Due to unforseen hardware issues and a small planning glitch, the grand opening had to be postponed, but now we feel confident that the time of migration is nigh.
We would also like to take the opportunity to thank our loyal readers and have them prepare for what is yet to come. The second year of the new era begins now.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The New Time Energies and AuraTransformation™: A study on modern delusions and gullibility

Other articles from HARMONI-expo:
Introduction: A Trip Through The Human Mind

Apart from engaging in conversations with random nut jobs at the expo, me and Mr. Libel also attended several lectures of varying interest. There was a plethora of madness to choose from and our foolproof selection process1 led us to a small room, where perhaps 10 other persons where gathered. Like us, they gave the impression of accepting things such as auras, clairvoyance and chakras at face value. There was no open skepticism or disbelief in the room.
We were the only ones taking notes, however. And probably the only ones who had to hide our smiles out of fear from blowing our cover.

The topic of this particular lecture was “The New Time Energies” and how you can adapt to these changes through “AuraTransformation™” (yes, it is trademarked).
The basic concept is that there are these rather undefined energies2 flowing around. The woman doing the talking made little waving gestures at this point, suggesting that these energies come from outer space, or at least from somewhere above her. And these energies are changing, affecting the auras of children being born into the world.
As far as I could understand it, the manifestation of these energies in the human body is called ‘chakra’. Chakra seems to be intertwined with the aura, but it was never fully explained how this works and how they affect each other or if they are one and the same.
Anyhow, those of us born before 1987 have the ‘Old Times Chakra’. Children born after that year have a mix of this chakra and an ‘indigo aura’. Then, after 1995 all children were born with a pure ‘indigo aura’.
After the year of 2004 a new type of aura was introduced to the universe: The ‘crystal aura’. Children born between 2004 and 2012 have and will have a mix of the ‘indigo aura’ and the new ‘crystal aura’ and finally, after 2012, everyone will be born with the ‘crystal aura’. It’s a gradual change taking place, and woe those who do not move with the times and ‘upgrade’3 their aura structure through AuraTransformation™ (surely available for a modest sum at your local aura mediator).

Neat, isn’t it? They even had statistics and diagrams. It looked very scientific and they used this model to explain, among other things, why there exist glitches in the communication between children and adults. It’s because their respective auras are different! Who would have known?
Apparently Anni Sennov (former Kristoffersen) did, since she invented the AuraTransformation™ therapy in 1996.

I find this particular kind of nonsense especially despicable, since it abuses the human being’s fondness for its offspring. When involving children, the parent’s biological instincts are well honed and they will do just about anything to assure the survival of their kin, consciously or not.
Apart from better communication and increased life expectancy of your kids, other advantages of undergoing an aura transformation are:
  • Better intuition and cooperation.
  • More presence and focus.
  • Improved self confidence and inner peace.
  • A greater ability to overcome challenges.
  • An increased inner joy.
  • Expanded awareness of other people’s hidden agendas.
  • An improved ability to live in the present.
It’s strongly implied that AuraTransformation™ will lead to greater personal development in all areas and that you won’t be able to live your life fully without enduring the ordeal of having a licensed aura mediator4 strip you of your current aura and rebuild it to fit the new era. The process itself involved someone holding your ankles for five hours. After that session you are required to return for additional adjustment and balancing in three weeks. The full transformation will then take place in the coming three years.
They have safeguards built-in in their practices, making it virtually impossible for a person to blame them for any lack of results. How convenient. Just about any negative experience can be explained through their reasoning and everyone loves a scapegoat.

The most interesting thing happened after the lecture, though. We were graciously allowed to ask questions and there was something resembling an open discussion. One of the attendants (even more delusional then the lecturers) wondered about the Swedish government’s acknowledgement of the ‘facts’ that had been brought up during the discourse. He gave the impression of being more extreme, saying that the year 2012 would be something of an apocalyptic event. Sadly, neither I nor Mr. Libel could exactly decipher his poor English. He either meant that the Swedish government planned a massive genocide or had protective measures planned for those of us who had the wrong kind of aura when the change in energy will come. My personal guess would be the former, since that neatly fits the image of the paranoid conspiracy theorist.
The funny thing was that the two persons holding the lecture seemed to think that he was the crazy one.

For more information, check out their web page or buy their books. I’m sure they’ll do great for showing people just how open minded you are.

1We simply picked the most absurd ones.
2Not the regular e=mc2 kind of energy that is measured in joules.
3The lecturer used that actual word in that context.
4There are currently 300 of those available.

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Introduction: A Trip Through The Human Mind

This past weekend a secret delegation from The Club's investigational subcommittee infiltrated Sweden's largest meeting for everything New Age, HARMONI-expo. The members of the delegation, being fully aware that a skeptical stance would present serious obstacles in getting the exhibitors to open up therefore presented themselves as true believers. So for a few hours, and for the sake of both entertainment and argument, we at least pretended to accept the basic premises of human energy fields, chakras, massive governmental cover-ups, the Christian deity and all other notions not so firmly grounded in reality.

In the coming posts we will summarise some of the enlightening conversations and talks we had and listened to, respectively. Among other things:
  • Jesus' lost teachings on karma and reincarnation.
  • "Classical" homeopathy.
  • Healing through the laying-on of hands.
  • Energy crystals.
  • Animal communication.
  • The New Time Energy and AuraTransformation™.
Keep your inner eye open and hold on to something real, for a great journey is about to start.

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