Revelations: Saint Germain and the Violet Flame
Other articles from HARMONI-expo:
Introduction: A Trip Through The Human Mind
The New Time Energies and AuraTransformation™: A study on modern delusions and gullibility
The magic bullet of "classical" homeopathy
"I AM a being of violet flame!Negative karma can be a real bummer. It's a nasty inhibitor that can cause 'spiritual death' and works just overall negatively on your Divine Self.
I AM the purity God desires!"
- Saint Germain's violet-flame decree
Apart from karma, another concept of religious thinking widely embraced by New Age groups is that of reincarnation. Since all these, shall I say, heathen traditions, are rejected by mainstream Christianity, I found it interesting to suddenly stand face to face with a woman who claimed to have successfully integrated both karma and reincarnation into the Christian belief system.
Our initially rather awkward conversation quickly catapulted into a warm and open one as soon as I asserted my Christian beliefs. She too, was a Christian, she claimed. When I tactfully took objection to Jesus' supposed reincarnation teaching (that's what caught my attention in the first place), saying it was nowhere to be found in the Bible, we were all set for a long and interesting conversation.
The woman represented the religious body The Summit Lighthouse. The organisation was founded in 1958 by Messenger Mark L. Prophet, who in preparing for this had been rigorously trained for several lifetimes by the Ascended Masters.1) According to his teachings, he has given people all over the world the opportunity to "discover the limitless powers of their Inner Self." But first things first: Who are the Ascended Masters?
The Ascended Masters2)
The Ascended Masters (AM) are spiritual being that once lived on earth but now serve as guides for those seeking to reunite with the Spirit. The seven most important of the AM are called the Chohans ("lord" or "master").
The seven Chohan, each with their own ray, are:
El Morya, 1st ray of power, goodwill and faith, Lord Lanto, 2nd ray of wisdom, understanding and judgement, Paul the Venetian, 3rd ray of divine love, compassion and charity, Serapis Bay, 4th ray of purity, discipline, etc., Hilarion, 5th ray of truth and healing, Nada, 6th ray of peace, and last but not least: Saint Germain, 7th ray of freedom, alchemy and transmutaion.
Then there's Maha Chohan ("the Great Lord"), the hierarch of the seven Chohan, who teaches how to integrate these seven rays through the eighth ray.
If the Chohans aren't for you, other AM standing ready to take your prayers include Archangels, Jesus Christ and various Buddhas. I tried to act shocked as I pointed out that this was pretty blasphemous, given my allegedly strict Christian view. She countered my accusation by enlightening me that Jesus did spend considerable time in India learning about things such as karma and reincarnation, something 'the official story' would have you doubt.3) Guess I stand corrected.
Karma and the Violet Flame
Spiritual light, the teaching goes, manifests as seven rays, each with a specific colour. Saint Germain's violet ray is a life-transforming tool with the help of which we can transmute (purify) negative karma. But before elaborating any further on the Violet Flame; there are, acording to their website, three ways to balance negative karma:4)
- "Just live it through." Not desirable since past misdeeds not atoned for have a tendency to make life hard.
- Perform good deeds. This is the conventional way, as practised by most Dharmic religions.
- The Violet Flame - the third, and not surprisingly - fastest way of balancing karma.
So what is the Violet Flame? After centuries of having kept the secret for himself, Saint Germain finally appeared to Guy Ballard in 1930, giving him the first teachings of the Violet Flame and hence starting the preparations of mankind to enter the age of Aquarius.5)
Since the nature of the Violet Flame can be pretty hard to understand, they use an analogy: The Violet Flame works much like soap - it cleanses the space between the atom's nucleus and its electrons (electron shell(s)?) from "negative debris", transforming it into "pure light-energy."
Embracing the Violet Flame supposedly then removes the negative energy and karma that clogs our spiritual and physical bodies (the other two bodies being the astral body and the etheric body.) As any student of acupuncture and yoga knows, "optimum health comes when spiritual energy is flowing freely through our bodies." It hence works to counteract permature 'spiritual death.' Good stuff.
Notes on different types of relationships
Like any good religious movement worth its name, The Summit Lighthouse promises its followers deeper understanding of the eternally human areas of concern that are relationships and love. There are three major types of romantic relationships that contribute to the wholeness of people.6)
The first and strongest connection is the Twin Flames, who were created together and shares a common and unique destiny. There is a masculine/feminine polarity to this and although the souls will spend some lifetimes apart, the "tie is eternal."
The second type relationship is the soul mates'. Soul mates complement each other in pursuing the same goals or in developing the same chakras.
The third is the karmic relationship. This connection is often of importance for "achieving self-mastery on the spiritual path."
Concluding remarks
Although none of this makes any sense to a person with a naturalistic wordview, one still has to appreciate the enormous amount of mind-bending creativity that went into creating this belief system. This is what happens when you let a beautiful metaphor - 'the cleansing flame' - go haywire and take on a life of its own.
After about fifteen minutes of what quickly became a one-sided conversation I started, despite my rewarding acting skills - to get extremely bored. Even though I sincerely try, flimflam can only keep my attention for so long. So after quickly wrapping everything up, taking a couple of brochures and promising to consider joining her harmless cult, I was on my merry way to whatever the expo had in store for me next.
1) The Summit Lighthouse - Messengers
2) The Summit Lighthouse - Ascended Masters
3) Summit University Bookstore - Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity
4) The Summit Lighthouse - Karma
5) The Summit Lighthouse - Violet Flame
6) The Summit Lighthouse - Soul Mates