Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Abroad for further studies

The club has processed, debated and granted me a short leave of absence for further studies and material gathering for the treatise on humankind. It lies in the interest of the club for its members to conduct field studies, so it was no surprise that the approval came without too much bureaucratical disputes concerning my funding.

I will be temporarily relocated to a base of operations in northern Germany where I am to supervise a large scale psychological study on human beings under the influence of themselves, alcohol and loud music.
I will pay special attention to things such as group dynamics, identity within the group, nesting and mating habits, the process of leadership and, of course, the pricing of various intoxicants. As a secondary objective, my aspiration is to penetrate, acquire and assimilate the German collective soul. If this will result in me gladly wearing lederhosen1 and partaking in compulsory singing, then so be it.

See you at the Hurricane.

1A traditional religious garment used in ancient fertility rites.


Blogger J.R. Libel had the audacity to say...

Since this expedition and its ghastly crew have been stricken with one fatal blow resulting in the absence of vital parts of the group, there will be no mention whatsoever of the allegedly good times during this stay.

I realise that some might view this as for sympathy for the devil, but remember... ah, who the fuck am I kidding? Damn you. Damn you all!

Blogger J.P. Reed had the audacity to say...

No worries, I'll have enough fun for both of us.

Say, would you - afterwards when I have composed it - read through and help me improve the post that goes into detail about exactly how enjoyable the good times were? If it's not too much to ask, I mean.
It's not like I'm gloating about your misery or anything. I just want you to be able to share the transcendent experience it will be in the only possible way, since you can't attend personally.
And no, that's not an evil grin that covers my face... It's an expression of sincere sympathy.

Blogger J.R. Libel had the audacity to say...

I will gladly, given that you are still alive.


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