Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Dark City and The Art of Aloof Observation


Anonymous Anonymous had the audacity to say...

the dandies ... haha

Blogger J.R. Libel had the audacity to say...

I beg your pardon?

Blogger J.P. Reed had the audacity to say...

dandy [dan-dee] noun, plural -dies, adjective, -di‧er, -di‧est.

1. a man who is excessively concerned about his clothes and appearance; a fop.
2. Informal. something or someone of exceptional or first-rate quality: Your reply was a dandy.

3. characteristic of a dandy; foppish.
4. Informal. fine; excellent; first-rate: a dandy vacation spot.

I'll take noun no. 2 and adjective no. 4, please. Libel can have the other two.

Anonymous Anonymous had the audacity to say...

'Camp' is the answer to the problem: how to be a dandy in the age of mass culture. (Susan Sontag )


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