Wednesday, November 01, 2006
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The Tale of a Secretary
- Chapter I: Scenery of Salvation
- Chapter II: Introduction to a Diligent Task
- Chapter III: The Smiling Man
- Interlude: Mr. Reed's Everyday Life
- Chapter IV: Trahison D'être
- Chapter V: Reaching the Rubicon
- Interlude II: Existential Angst
- Chapter VI: Eschatology Blues
- Chapter VII: That Which Hath No Name
- Chapter VIII: Affirming The Shadows
Previous Posts
- I want to believe
- The ‘Guard heart from stone’ principle - Mr. Libel...
- The ‘Guard heart from stone’ principle - Etymology...
- Mr. Reed approveth...
- The Tale of a Secretary, Chapter IV: Trahison D'être
- We apologize for the inconvenience...
- The Tale of a Secretary, Interlude: Mr. Reed's Eve...
- The Tale of a Secretary, Chapter III: The Smiling Man
- Paranoia and me
- The Tale of a Secretary, Chapter II: Introduction ...

the dandies ... haha
I beg your pardon?
dandy [dan-dee] noun, plural -dies, adjective, -di‧er, -di‧est.
1. a man who is excessively concerned about his clothes and appearance; a fop.
2. Informal. something or someone of exceptional or first-rate quality: Your reply was a dandy.
3. characteristic of a dandy; foppish.
4. Informal. fine; excellent; first-rate: a dandy vacation spot.
I'll take noun no. 2 and adjective no. 4, please. Libel can have the other two.
'Camp' is the answer to the problem: how to be a dandy in the age of mass culture. (Susan Sontag )
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